You’re Never Too Old

This weekend Ernesto is competing in the Mexican National Surfing Contest in La Tikla, Michoacan. He is in two separate competitions: the competition for surfers in his age bracket (ages 60-65) and the open competition for surfers of any age.

Forty years ago Neto competed in the Mexican Nation Competition in  Guerrero, Mexico. He came in sixth place in the overall competition. The following year, he trained hard for ten months  while working as a fisherman in Petacalco. He surfed every day and believed that he could win the Mexican National Championship. But the competition was canceled due to lack of high waves. That was it! All the surfers were told to go home.

Neto moved to the United States and spent the next seventeen years going back and forth across the border. When he returned to Mexico in 1997, he resumed surfing for fun but he never forgot the thrill of competition.

Two weeks ago, Neto got a call saying that a group of surfers from Mazatlán were going to La Ticla, a small surfing village in Michoacan. Nothing could stop him. Not even the fact that he has not been training for competition for forty years. He packed his bag, grabbed his fastest board, and headed for a bus filled with other surfers from the state of Sinaloa. Pure joy!

The bus took two days, going from Mazatlán to Ticla, with an overnight stop in Compestella. As soon as they arrived, the group jumped in the water and paddled out to catch the incoming waves. They rented rooms in town and fell asleep to sweet surfing dreams.

I talked to Neto last night. He was tired but excited. He came in fourth out of a field of fifteen surfers in his age group. Because he was in the top six, he qualifies to surf in the final competition today. He also registered to surf in the open competition, competing against eighty other surfers of all ages.

I hope Neto wins today but it really doesn’t matter. He’s already won.

Neto’s motto is, “I’m never too old to surf.” It is his joy. His passion. He is my inspiration.

What are you never too old to do?



16 Replies to “You’re Never Too Old”

    1. Don’t you wish you could watch him ride these waves. Thanks for cheering from home!

  1. How wonderful to have a lifelong dream realized and enjoy the ride! Wishing Neto the ride of a lifetime today🌞👍🎉🌴
    Welcome back Lynda! Always enjoy your stories👍

    1. Dita ~ You are so right! Thank you for reading and posting your comment on my blog!

  2. Ditto. Welcome back. Look forward to more news.
    I don’t think I will ever be too old to dance, such as it is. This morning I was preparing food for Easter brunch and asked Alexa to play my favorite songs which brought up music with so much energy and beat I couldn’t stand still. So I got about 700 steps dancing around the kitchen while I was cooking. And I will be 75 at my next birthday! it’s not over til it’s over.

  3. So thrilling! I hope he has another exciting day.

    I hope I am not too old to learn to walk again.
    Heart episode and two months of hospitalization have made me into a toddler – barely- again.

  4. That’s so exciting for Neto….glad you’re blogging again. Love reading your thoughts and adventures! (Hope your leg is healing).

    1. Thanks, Vicki, for your good wishes. I’m sure Neto feels them all the way from La Ticla!

  5. This is awesome! He’ll be young forever. I’m so sorry you had to cancel your trip to Mexico. You’ll have to reschedule when your foot is healed & the temps aren’t so hot. I’d have you tell Neto to break a leg for good luck, but you’ve already done that! 😁

  6. Welcome back! Loved that Neto is going for his dream. As you said he already has a lot of it as he is doing what brings pure joy to him. I wish him well in the rest of the competition. Sorry to hear about your leg and hope it heals quickly! Cheering Neto and you on!

  7. Hi Lynda. Really enjoyed catching up with you and Neto! Hope your new abode is perfect. Look forward to more…

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