Honoring Jesús Flores García

Today’s Día de Muertos essay is written by Ernesto.

We don’t put up Dia de Los Muertos altars in my house. If we did, my father’s altar would include a couple bottles of Pacifico, a pack of filtered cigarettes, a plate of boiled shrimp, a rosary and a picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Every morning my father knelt before La Virgin to say a prayer before going to his job as a blacksmith in downtown Mazatlán. When his day was finished, he sang his way up the street holding his friend, the tequila bottle, in his hand. He walked through the door and knelt again before the Virgin’s picture to say graciás for bringing him home.

My dear, kind, generous, honorable father died of a sudden heart attack in 1993. I was lost for a long time after he died. Papí was my protector. My guardian angel. He held me up and never let me down. I’m glad he didn’t see how much trouble I got into after he died but I know he would be proud of the man I am now. My father was my North Star, guiding my way with his constant good humor and basic decency. When I look to the heavens, he is still there telling me, “Ernesto, you are a good boy. Make sure that everyone knows that about you.”

Who is your North Star?

3 Replies to “Honoring Jesús Flores García”

  1. A very touching tribute to Ernesto’ s Papi. Very descriptive and touching homage. Sher

    1. Thanks, Sherry. I know you love Dia de Los Muertos as much as I do. It’s a lovely way to honor our loved ones who are no longer here. ~Lynda

  2. When a writer tells his story in script and the reader can feel what is being conveyed, the story is well written and thus receive honorable mention. I am having a wonderful and enjoyable time reading this remarkable story. Keep up the good work!! Looking forward to more.

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